Career with Purpose
Ask a young person what they want to do after school, and you’ll likely get a shrug or the classic “I don’t know.” It’s practically the anthem of today’s generation. But at Stewards.ONE, “I don’t know” just doesn’t cut it. We’ve officially retired that phrase. Why? Because we’re not here to produce graduates who drift through life, hoping that purpose will just land in their laps. We’re here to plant seeds of meaning and purpose. And a future without meaning and purpose? Well, good luck with that!
Why Settle for a Job When You Can Have a Purpose?
In a world often driven by routine and necessity, it’s easy to see a job as a way to make it big. But at Stewards.ONE, we look beyond the hussle – yes the hussle is real! Rather, we encourage our students to seek that which is REAL, to view their future careers as opportunities to create change, not just fill roles. If your work doesn’t inspire you to get out of bed each morning with a sense of meaning and purpose, then perhaps a meaning and purpose is missing? We believe that purpose transforms work into something far more profound.
At Stewards.ONE, we teach our students to rise above distractions and focus on what truly matters – whether it’s inequality, environmental degradation, the value of human life, or social disconnection. We guide them toward a higher calling, one driven by impact, truth, and purpose. In contrast to the distractions of seeking a trophy that glitters, we aspire to plunge into the depth of true Stewardship – as reflected in the words of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA): When Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA) approached the Black Stone during Hajj, he remarked, “I know that you are just a stone that can neither benefit nor harm, and if I had not seen the Prophet (ﷺ) kiss you, I would not have kissed you” (Sahih al-Bukhari 1597). His words reveal a profound truth: while routine, rituals, symbols, careers, certifications have their place, they are not the essence of our journey. They gain meaning only when they align with a higher purpose.
True Stewards Value What’s Real
But Umar (RA) didn’t stop there – just kissing with a higher purpose. He also said, “The blood of a believer is worth more than the Kaaba and the Black Stone” (Sunan Ibn Majah 2619). As sacred as the Kaaba and Black Stone are, they pale in comparison to the value of human life. This is the wisdom of true Stewards—they recognise that life, dignity, and service to humanity far outweigh even the most revered symbols.
At Stewards.ONE, this principle is central to our teaching. We show our students that the real value lies in serving others, in protecting life, and in improving the world around us.
But What If We Don’t Know Our Purpose Yet?
Fair question! Not everyone has their life’s purpose figured out by 16—or 26, or even 60! And that’s perfectly fine. Finding purpose isn’t like ordering pizza—it’s a process. And that’s where Stewards.ONE comes in. We don’t just bombard students with information and hope something sticks. We help them see the world through trustworthy eyes. Eyes that can differentiate between vain and Real. “His sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong” (Surah An-Najm, 53:17). Eyes of the one who embody praiseworthy qualities —truthfulness, mercy, courage, integrity, loyalty, and excellence. The Qur’an states, “Indeed, you are beyond tremendous character” (Surah Al-Qalam, 68:4). When you find someone like that (ﷺ), you can’t help but want to follow their vision, mission, meaning and purpose—at least until you find your own (if you ever do!).
More Than Just Memorising Textbooks
At Stewards.ONE, we teach our students that life—human life—matters more than any object, status, or symbol. It’s not just about mastering subjects or acing exams; it’s about what you do with that knowledge and how you use it to benefit others. The ultimate maqasid (objective) is to improve lives, promote justice, and create a better world—because otherwise, did it even happen?
Let’s also remember the hadith: “Whoever eases the distress of his brother, Allah will ease his distress on the Day of Judgement” (Sahih Muslim 2699). This is the kind of impact we strive for at Stewards.ONE—making meaningful change, improving lives, and easing burdens, one step at a time.
Our students aren’t just learning for themselves—they are being equipped to heal, and to make a lasting impact on the world around them. Whether through technology, public health, or sustainable development, their education is a tool for creating real-world change.
The World Needs People Like You!
So, what’s next for your child? Our children don’t need to cram their heads with facts and formulas. It’s more about filling their hearts with purpose. It’s about guiding them toward a path that doesn’t just keep them busy but fuels them with meaning and vision. Because let’s face it—the world doesn’t need more workers. The world needs awakened souls. It needs changemakers. It needs people with purpose.
Ready to take the next step? Partner with us, and let’s build that future powered by purpose—together insha Allah!