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Archery Liverpool England

img Childhood Education

Character Building – Jurisprudence Level 1

Join our Character Building (Jurisprudence – Level 1) course, designed for students aged 11-12. Learn essential Islamic practices such as purification and prayer, and study fundamental characteristics required of a Muslim. Based on “Al-Akhdari” by Abdu-Arahman Al-Akdari and “40 Hadith” compiled by Imam An-Nawawi, this course provides a strong foundation in Islamic Jurisprudence.

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Design & Technology

Throughout the 38-weeks, students will be learning and developing their new skills and behaviours in class but also practicing and reinforce these newly acquired skills through their weekly homework. All of the work that they produce throughout the year will contribute towards an end of year exhibition where we will hire out a space and display the work that the students have produced. This will be an opportunity for students and parents to enjoy and reflect on the learning process throughout the year as well as seeing the progress that they have made.

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Cursive Writing in 6 Weeks

Cursive Writing in 6 Weeks is an intensive 6 weeks course to reintroduce cursive handwriting to children and adults. This course is aimed at anyone who has tried out cursive before but has not built up fluency and legibility. The objective is to build up legible penmanship skills and incorporate this new skill in daily work such as homework, note taking, journaling. This course can also lead to deeper study of calligraphy. It can also serve as an introduction to the Bronze Award for young people.

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Stewards KS3 YEAR 9

The Key Stage 3 Year 9 program at Stewards is tailored for students aged 13 to 14, offering a balanced blend of academic rigor and personal growth. Designed to prepare students for the challenges of GCSE studies, this program focuses on fostering critical thinking, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and promoting spiritual and ethical development. By building a strong academic foundation, students are equipped with the essential skills and knowledge required for future success. The program emphasises independent learning and responsible technology use, encouraging students to manage their digital lives effectively. Personal and spiritual growth is nurtured through activities that develop a deep connection to faith and a strong moral compass. Additionally, parental collaboration strengthens the home-school connection, providing a supportive environment for students’ overall development. The Key Stage 3 Year 9 program ensures that students emerge as well-rounded individuals, ready to face future challenges with confidence and integrity.

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Stewards YEAR 11 (GCSE II)

The GCSE Year 2 program (Year 11) at Stewards is designed for students aged 15 to 16, offering rigorous academic preparation alongside personal and spiritual growth. This program prepares students for their final GCSE exams while instilling essential life skills and strong ethical values. Through a structured curriculum, students enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The program includes independent research and work experience, providing practical skills and real-world insights.

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Stewards YEAR 10 (GCSE I)

The Year 10 GCSE program at Stewards is designed for students aged 14 to 15, providing a comprehensive educational experience that integrates academic excellence with personal and spiritual growth. The curriculum includes core subjects such as GCSE English Language, Mathematics, and IGCSE Science, which lay the groundwork for successful GCSE exam preparation. Students also explore Islamic Art at the Silver Award level, enhancing their creativity and cultural appreciation. 

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