The Stewards Tuition Program is designed to provide a supportive, personalized learning experience for students seeking to bridge gaps in their education, excel in their studies, and develop effective study habits and skills.
Please note that this program is intended to supplement your child’s primary source of education and is not designed to replace full-time learning.
This program offers tailored lessons that align with UK National Curriculum standards or USA common core standards.
Parents and primary care givers can select tuition in Maths, English or both with additional support in other key subjects as needed. Lessons are personalised and designed to support independent learning and positive work habits.
Through a blend of live instruction, project-based learning, and targeted skill development, tuition nurtures self-discipline, and the ability to overcome challenges, ensuring that every student can reach their full potential.
Tuition Objectives:
1. Academic Excellence:
• Bridge learning gaps in Maths, English, and Science with targeted, personalized instruction.
• Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills across subjects.
• Prepare students for academic milestones, including building an early years foundation, KS3 and SATS preparation.
2. Character Development:
• Build resilience, perseverance, and self-confidence to face academic and personal challenges.
3. Skill Building:
• Enhance study skills, organization, and time management to support independent learning.
• Strengthen communication, collaboration, and presentation abilities through interactive lessons and group work.
• Develop creativity, innovation, and opportunities to apply learning through real-world projects and hands-on activities.
Cost: £25 per hour, payable in monthly instalments of £200.00.
Should you require further information, please click on the chat widget at the bottom right corner of the screen to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.