Childhood Education

Character Building (Life Coaching for Girls)

Character Building (Life Coaching for Girls)

Character Building Life Coaching for Girls:  This is a life coaching course for girls designed to give practical support in developing good character. The course is a section of the Character Building course.

Character Building


  • Childhood Education


April 29, 2024 - July 6, 2024








1:00 am


4.5 (110 ratings)





Key Objectives

  • Understand and define their values
  • Articulate the importance of character and identify key prophetic character traits as define by the Prophet (saws)
  • Understand and can demonstrate the relevance of stewardship in the context of their own life
  • Have greater awareness of how their individual character affects themselves and others
  • The course includes

  • Online coaching sessions one hour per week that involve discussion, role play, and introspection
  • Students will be assessed by using Stewards Life Coaching tool and progress chart
  • Course Schedule

    Schedule UTC+001
    Tuesday10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


    The course contains 6 weeks of classes.

    Week 1: Introduction and behaviour guidelines.

    • Introduction to the course which includes why we are doing this course, what our aims and objectives are, and what we will be doing each week. I will also cover any materials needed such as a journal, and course pdf.
    • Discussion-Who are our role models? Who do we trust and why? The Prophet (SAWS) is the best example and must trustworthy human
    • Discussion- How do we choose our role models and trustworthy people? The more someone adheres to the sunnah and aligns himself to the way of the Prophet (SAWS) with love the more trustworthy they become and the higher a role model they are. Mention a point distinguishing between someone we choose to take as a role model to follow and copy behaviour and someone Allah has asked us to respect (elders, parents, teachers, etc.)

    Week 2: Review of previous week. Ask for key learning. Brief review of homework.

    • Discussion- What does it mean to be a young Muslimah? What roles do you have personally, at home and in your community?
    • Discussion—What do you think is important and why? Define Values, Elicit Values
    • Discussion: What does the Prophet ( SAWS) value? We want alignment between our values and the Prophet’s ( SAWS) values.
    • Discussion-How can we do this? What may be some obstacles to doing this?

    Week 3:

    • Discussion- What is the importance of good character? One of the most important things the Prophet SAWS valued was good character.
    • Mention two hadith about character.
    • Discussion: What is good character-give examples.
    • How can we achieve good character? Good character impacts everything you do in life—most important how you to treat others and then relate this back to their roles as a Muslimah from week 2
    • Discussion Point- Transitioning into adulthood means paying attention to character and how we treat others and wanting to improve this over time
    • Discussion- How can we improve our character? One of the best ways to improve character is through service-service to the Prophet ‘s SAWS mission and values

    Week 4:

    • Review of previous week.
    • Next half of the course we’re going to look at three ways you can serve in your life-personal, home, and community.
    • Discussion-What do you think personal service would include? Define personal service as ibadat-personal worship –serving the self is fulfilling Allah’s commandments around what he’s asked us to do as individuals –This is the foundation of all service
    • Work through chart as a group
    • Key Responsibilities of Personal Service
    • Key Relationships of Personal Service
    • Ideal Character for Personal Service
    • Path to get to Excellence in Personal Service

    Week 5:

    • Review previous week
    • Discussion-What does service in the home consist of?
    • Work through chart as a group
    • Key Responsibilities for Serving in the Home
    • Key Relationships for Serving in the Home
    • Ideal Character for Serving in the Home
    • Path to get to Excellence in Serving in the Home

    Week 6:

    • Review previous week 
    • Discussion-What does service in the community consist of? 
    • Work through chart below as a group
    • Key Responsibilities of Service in the Community
    • Key Relationships for Service in the Community
    • Ideal Character for Service in the Community 
    • Path to get to Excellence in Serving in the Community


    Course pdf, internet, camera, pen, and computer.



    Hind Adeagbo

    4.5 (110 ratings)

    30 Courses • 525,181 students

    Certified Master Life Coach
    Graduated from University of California, Santa Cruz with a BA in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Taught in primary and secondary school settings. Completed doula, childbirth education, and breastfeeding specialist and peer counsellor qualifications. Certified health, life and business coach and founder of a coaching training programme. Worked with women in coaching and childbearing years for over a decade. Mother of 7 and home educator.

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