Course Material: Aqidatul Awaam (Fundamentals of Islamic Belief) – 14 Modules
Module 1: Introduction
- Introduction.
- The Hadith of Jibril with a focus on the six articles of faith.
Module 2: Unit 1- Divinity
- The Attributes of Allah.
- The essential attributes.
- The negative attributes.
Module 3: Unit 1- Divinity (Continued)
- The affirmational attributes.
- What is possible as regards to Allah.
Module 4: Unit 2- Apostleship
- Prophets and Messengers.
- Definition of each.
- Attributes of Messengers.
Module 5: Unit 2- Apostleship (Continued)
- Attributes of Messengers continued.
- What is possible with regards to Messengers.
- The infallibility of the Prophets and the Messengers.
Module 6: Unit 2- Apostleship (Continued)
- The Prophets and Messengers mentioned in the Quran.
- What is possible with regards to Allah and His Messenger.
Module 7: Unit 3- Angels
- Definition of an Angel.
- Their general duties.
- 10 famous Angels.
Module 8: Unit 4- Revealation
- Revealed Books.
- Revealed ‘Suhuf’.
- Obedience to the Messenger of Allah.
Module 9: Unit 5- The Day of Judgement
- The Day of Judgement.
Module 10: Unit 6- Destiny
- Allah’s willing everything good and bad
- The Believers’ approach to destiny.
Module 11: Unit 7- A Summarised Biography of the Prophet ﷺ
- Who is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ?
- His ﷺ Lineage and Nursing.
- His ﷺ Birth and Death.
Module 12: Unit 7- A Summarised Biography of the Prophet ﷺ
- His ﷺ prophecy and his age at the time.
- His ﷺ wives.
- His ﷺ children.
- The wisdom in his ﷺ having multiple wives.
Module 13: Unit 7- A Summarised Biography of the Prophet ﷺ
- His ﷺ aunties and uncles.
- The Isra’ and Mir’aj.
Module 14: Unit 7- A Summarised Biography of the Prophet ﷺ
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Delivering the Message to His Ummah.
- Conclusion.